Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Smithsonian Magazine and Elko's Basque Restaurants

This just in!!  The April 2012 Smithsonian magazine published an article featuring western Basque cuisine- the Elko portion of the article is pasted below:

If you want American Basque food in its purest form, follow I-80 through northern Nevada. One bitterly cold week this winter I pointed my truck toward Nevada and tried to see how many Basque restaurants I could visit over the course of a long weekend. I stopped by the Star Hotel in Elko for a dish the menu called a Boarder’s Lunch, thinly sliced beef pan-fried with onions and chiles, and also for a delicious pork loin sautéed with roasted red peppers; then to Toki Ona a few blocks away for roast lamb and potatoes.

Read more:

Or, if you want to take a gastronomic Basque food journey on I-80 across the west, you can read about the author's top picks here. I'm getting hungry for a good steak sandwich smothered in sauted garlic from the Star!

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