Tuesday, November 13, 2012

3.8% Tax Begins Jan 2013

Here is an informative article about the new 3.8% real estate tax which goes into effect January 2013.  It's not as bad as we were afraid, but could still impact you if you have an upper end home and make a tidy profit from it.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Top 10 Worst Home-Showing Offenses

Top 10 Worst Home-Showing Offenses

Don't let these selling blunders happen to you!

VA Celebrates 20 Millionth Loan Guaranty

If you are a veteran, you can learn more about the VA guaranty mortgage program at

www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans     or

Calling  (877) 827-3702

A small thank you to our veterans for all they have and continue to do!

Sunday Nov. 11th  is Veterans Day, be sure to say "THANK YOU"!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Time to Update for Quick Sale

  I recall each and every one of these fads from the '80's and '90's!  I've tried my hand by putting up wall paper and paper boarders and sat on over sized furniture awkwardly placed in a tight-fitting room.  Yup- it's time for it to go!!  Updating the look of your home will help for a easier and faster sale.

Selling Your Home? The Importance of Pricing

Great article about pricing your home to sell- it's not just me saying these things  :-).

Price your house to sell quickly | Inman News

Monday, July 9, 2012

5 ways to declare independence from your mortgage company | Inman News

And now....Great tried-and-true tips for simple ways to help shave off your mortgage payoff date...and to give credit where credit is due, from Inman News and Terra-Nicholle Nelson.   

5 ways to declare independence from your mortgage company | Inman News

...And Now....What Makes Elko a Great Place to Live...The PEOPLE!

Isn't it great that we have such a supportive community??  Best wishes to the Griswold family~ I hope they love the changes to their home to make it more comfortable for their situation!  I plan to add an update as the job nears completion.

Home makeover winner announced

Save the Dream (Of Home Ownership)

I spoke to someone recently about their problems paying their mortgage due to medical bills.  However, the likelihood of them being approved for a short-sale is slim, since the both are working at the same jobs they had when the applied for the mortgage and they are not planning to move out of the area.  To complicate matters, if they lost their home through foreclosure they would have to find a rental in the area, which is very difficult here, and rents are extremely high and there's no real benefit for them that way (to save the mortgage money to pay the medical bills).  Enter programs such as Save the Dream, HARP, and HOPE NOW.  I felt good being able to give them some reasonable suggestions to explore for some relief.  I'm interested to hear how it goes for them.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

CNN Article: Time to Buy

According to this article, buying a home won't get much cheaper, so those fence-sitters may do well to purchase now!  Give me a call to find a great place to live in the Elko area!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

US New Article

This article in US News discusses advantages of home ownership....

Mortgage vs. Rent   

In Elko, renting a home will likely be more than to buy the same home, so if you are expecting to stay in the area for work, etc, it may be time to consider purchasing.  Let me know when you are ready to find a home of your own!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Real Estate Auction- New Way to Sell/Purchase a Home?

We have only seen a few of these here in Elko County, and those sold at auction has been for foreclosed property, but what do you think of the idea of buying or selling a home via a Real Estate Auction ?  Have you ever participated in one, and/or would you?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

May Be Time to Buy When Rents are High

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Elko Boys and Girls Club- A Worthwhile Cause

Breamar Construction, in affiliation with Century 21, will be providing a fund raiser for Elko Boys and Girls Club at the Elko Home Show in May.  Breamar is building an incredible outside playhouse and having a raffle to win it- all money will go to support the club.  Tickets will be for sale during the home show and the play house will be on site for you to see- raffle tickets will be $20.  I will post the picture of the "play" house shortly as well. 

Rusty Bahr New CPO of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Elko 2 of 2

Spring Creek Association- Tracts Receive Names

Spring Creek Association has come up with names for the various tracts, which in the past have been simply called the "housing section" and the "trailor section". 

Tract 100:  Marina Hills
Tract 200:  Vista Grand
Tract 300:  Sunset Ridge
Tract 400:  Palace Heights

What do you think of the new names, and do you think it will make any difference in the preception of the various tracts?

Elko's Jobless Rate- A Bright Spot in Nevada

Elko's Unemployment Rate   is 1.5 % lower than the national average and more than 5 percentage points lower than the rest of Nevada!   It's a blessing to live in an area that's doing so well!  Now if other sectors in the economy can begin to lift....

Friday, March 30, 2012

Nevada’s modern-day gold rush creates new mining jobs

Check out the article (with video) from MSNBC regarding our good jobs market in Elko created through mining....

Nevada’s modern-day gold rush creates new mining jobs

Liv'n the good life in Elko!!

(Sorry I couldn't get the video clip to post without having to go through the link.)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Smithsonian Magazine and Elko's Basque Restaurants

This just in!!  The April 2012 Smithsonian magazine published an article featuring western Basque cuisine- the Elko portion of the article is pasted below:

If you want American Basque food in its purest form, follow I-80 through northern Nevada. One bitterly cold week this winter I pointed my truck toward Nevada and tried to see how many Basque restaurants I could visit over the course of a long weekend. I stopped by the Star Hotel in Elko for a dish the menu called a Boarder’s Lunch, thinly sliced beef pan-fried with onions and chiles, and also for a delicious pork loin sautéed with roasted red peppers; then to Toki Ona a few blocks away for roast lamb and potatoes.

Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/Indulging-in-American-Basque-Cuisine.html#ixzz1qOSBtNyx

Or, if you want to take a gastronomic Basque food journey on I-80 across the west, you can read about the author's top picks here.

Mmmmm...now I'm getting hungry for a good steak sandwich smothered in sauted garlic from the Star!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Straight From the Horse's Mouth

See what Warrent Buffett thinking about the current recommendations is for buying a home of your own or as an investment

Give me a call and let's talk about this great opportunity for you!

Warren Buffet Says Now's the Time to Buy!

Follow the Leader:  Warren Buffett says stretch your dollar:  Now's the time to invest in housing!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Elko Cowboy Poetry 2012

Missed it?  Just click the link below and you can still enjoy the spirit of the west~

Elko Cowboy Poetry 2012


Saturday, February 4, 2012

CENTURY 21 Super Bowl: Trump- "Now's the time to buy"

Better listen to the Donald- when you're ready to buy or sell your home in Elko, Carlin, Spring Creek or Lamoille, give me a call!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

All About Deeds....

I found the website below, which has useful and informative information regarding deeds....


Not a fancy website, but straightforward info.  Hope it helps!


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Elko County Economic Diversification Authority_v.21

Great video highlighting Elko County and the great lifestyle we enjoy here~ welcome to Elko!