Monday, December 5, 2011

Heavy Equipment

Yes, that's a man inside the cab of that big rig- it gives a little perspective.  Wouldn't the 7 dwarfs have loved this!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cortez Mine- There's Gold in Them-There Hills

Cortez Mine

"The Pit"
Pipeline Pit #1

Love this shot with the mountains on top in the background with the lays of the pit underground below

All in a day's work  

  My buddy John Grimes gives perspective to size of truck-
    tires are 12' tall

400 ton Liebherr haul truck in background

Shop with Equipment and Crew

Thanks to John Grimes for the photos!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Strategic" Default

This has not really been seen in the Elko area, but an interesting, though controversial idea.   Footage from 60 Minutes, Summer 2010

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Elko Building Slow Down

Hot off the press: A slowdown for Elko County in the number for construction permits. Guess even in Gold Country we can feel the effects. The homes up in Brookwood Estates are georgous! Let me know if you would like to see them~ I can arrange a viewing at your convience.


Friday, April 8, 2011

A Prediction of Things to Come?

The European Central Bank is raising interest rates, and although the US isn't presumably following suite right away, might it be a indicator of things (interest rate increases) to come?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fighting Against Foreclosure

60 Minutes: Who Owns the Mortgage?

Here is a interesting episode that ties is with my post from Feb. 2009 about the mortgage backed securities mess and sheds light on the "robo signing" of fictious documents.

Blame enough to go around for everyone.....the government for encouraging risky loans, lenders giving them, home owners that took the bait that their home would only go up in value, and back to the lenders for foreclosing on loans they may not have a right to- that's my opinion.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mining Truck

Thanks to Dave Taylor for this photo of one of the big rigs they use out at one of the mines. Gold is $1400+/oz! Probably took what- 10- 20? pounds of it to pay for that truck though- not a cheap operation to get that gold from the gound.

NPR Morning Additon- Las Vegas Housing

Although this is not related to Elko, I thought it was interesting to hear about how the deflated housing market there is enabling lower income buyers into the market.

The second part of the audio clip explores the pros and cons of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac in the mortgage industry. Worth a listen! What do you think- should our good 'ol Uncle Sam be backing mortgages?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning.

See what Corning Glass has envisioned for our future- at home, at work, at play. However, the one thought that kept going through my mind was how smudged up the glass was going to be!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Seller's Disclosures

Good article about the importance for seller's to disclose information on their property. Key phrase in article:
"If you ask yourself if something should be disclosed, it probably should".

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Housing Industry

The housing industry sales info is in- and it isn't all roses. Of course our local economy is kicking butt with gold at $1400+/oz now, but we are not immune from outside influences. It seems that with lower prices and reasonable interest rates, for those who expect to be here for some time and with rents being what they are, it may be an ideal time to buy.
Give me a call~ I'd love to help you!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Uncle Sam want YOU to have more skin in the mortgage game. What President Obama's ideas will mean for the home buyer.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tips for Selling Your Home in Today's Market

Good Advice for Home Sellers - read the article on Yahoo news from the finance section.  Buyer's in today's market have options so be open to offers- and sometimes your first offer may be your best.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Barrick Gold Mine on CNN Money

Here is an interesting national news video regarding mining at Barrick Cortez mine.  I thought it was fun to see the national news report on our local bread and butter!

Elko County Gold Mining